Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Drones Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - 3207 Words

Like much of today’s technology, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles attribute their creation to the military. The idea of using unmanned aircraft has long been a dream for the military -- scouting planes without any casualties to report should something go wrong, air strikes with only time and money to lose, and the ability to wage war without losing a single life. Well the third one may perhaps not be realistic – as Afghanistan has shown, lack of ground troops leaves certain entities unchecked.1 However, it may be argued that â€Å"they represent a significant step toward the eventual automation of the battlefield—one in which teleoperated or robotic systems replace many soldiers.†2 Either way, these machines do create a less expensive and more†¦show more content†¦Naturally, without the military’s deep pockets, research in this department is much slower. It is becoming clear that UAVs will slowly replace piloted aircraft. â€Å"Decades from now, much—if not most—of the Air Force’s firepower will likely come from UAVs. They will conduct almost all missions now assigned to manned aircraft, from intelligence gathering and counter-air operations, to operational and even strategic attack.†6 See the section on Possible Uses. What are UAVs? Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are (the name is deceptive I know) airplanes that fly without a pilot aboard. UAVs can be directed by an external controller or be pre-programmed. Sizes vary greatly on these machines; they can be as small as a couple feet, to having a 200-foot wingspan, larger than the Boeing 747.7 UAVs come in many different designs; they can be anything from â€Å"model airplanes to missiles to ball-shaped vehicles with helicopter blades.†8 Currently, these vehicles carry only non-lethal payloads, however unmanned aerial combat vehicles are in the works.9 Often UAVs that are remotely piloted are referred to as RPVs, or remotely piloted vehicles. These â€Å"low-cost joystick-controlled† machines provide â€Å"a significant boost to U.S. war-fighting capability.†10 These machines can remain above targets for extended periods of time taking high-resolution pictures. â€Å"It is this ‘persistentShow MoreRelatedDrone Warfare : Unmanned Aerial Vehicles1669 Words   |  7 PagesDrone warfare, first strongly used by the Central Intelligence Agency to target Osama bin Laden after he led a series of attack in the United States on September eleventh. During the time of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, drones had a usage time of approximately 100,000 flight hours when performing tasks in these operations. Also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, the primary use of drones today is for surveillance. However, during recent years, drones have had other usesRead MoreDrones : Unmanned Aerial Vehicles1198 Wo rds   |  5 PagesDrones have recently hit the news time and time again within the last decade, and frequently lead to a debate. The majority of those heated conversations often involve the United States of America. Those passionate discussions have ignited a spark in a series of countless debates dealing with drones and the future they possess with the United States of America. Some may not know, but drones are also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAV’s for short. A UAV is exactly what it sounds like. FirstRead MoreDrones : Unmanned Aerial Vehicles1246 Words   |  5 Pageswhen we hear the word drone, most of us automatically add the word â€Å"attack† on the end or think of something negative. That’s because mostly, drones are frequently used for surveillance, intelligence and, ultimately, offensive operations. Drones also known as ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’, or UAV’s are mostly used in situations where manned flight is too difficul t or dangerous, making them ideal for warfare. Increasingly, the United States has come to rely on the use of drones to counter the terroristRead MoreDrones And Unmanned Aerial Vehicles1714 Words   |  7 PagesDrones or Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are aircrafts, remotely controlled by on the ground pilots or autonomous programing, which may be equipped with missiles and bombs for attack missions. Drones have become a major strategy instrument in U.S. counterterrorism program. In Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, U.S. drones observe these countries from the skies and occasionally are used to launch lethal strikes against suspected terrorists. According to the Bureau of Investigative JournalismRead MoreDrones : An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( Uav )1062 Words   |  5 PagesDrones, a more recent topic of controversy are changing the views of the world, some suspect for the better while other believe for the worse. Until recently, drones have become increasingly popul ar and have influenced an increase in civilian use. Drones hold a substantial amount of benefits as they do negative. As drones become more popular, deeper regulations should be put in place. Protecting the society is the top priority. To do this, the government needs to regulate drone use for governmentRead MoreIntroducing The Hydro Drone : An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle894 Words   |  4 PagesIntroducing the Hydro Drone The global drone market has exploded in the last few years. A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) piloted by a remote control or computer. Hobbyists use drones to capture stunning aerial footage that used to be captured with a helicopter and cinematographer. The UAV industry is becoming more than a hobby, the commercialization of UAV applications, such as delivering packages and medical supplies to remote locations, has become a reality. The worldwide drone industry wasRead MoreAerial vehicle is also known as drone. It’s an aircraft without a human pilot on it mostly under1700 Words   |  7 PagesAerial vehicle is also known as drone. It’s an aircraft without a human pilot on it mostly under control of the American government. Its flight pattern is organized either autonomously by computer systems or by remote control from ground base or some other vehicle. The typical launch and recovery/landing method of a UAV is monitored by an exterior on the ground. In the beginning, UAVs were simple unmanned aerial vehicles to which remote control came gradually which advanced to autonomous controlRead MoreShould U.S.A. Use Drones to Combat Terrorism?1154 Words   |  5 Pages The CIA and the U.S. military have been using drones for more than 100 years, but only in the past 10 years the public has realized how powerful this technology is. Drones should be used to combat terrorism in Afghanistan because they are a step into the future for warfare. Drones are some of the most used technologies that are used to combat terrorism in foreign countries, and there is a reason for that. Drones are used to spy, track, and assassinate high priority terrorists. Regular ways of warfareRead MoreUnmanned Aerial Vehicle Is The Future Of Package Delivery1193 Words   |  5 Pagesplane, no it’s a delivery drone. Delivery drones are the future of package delivery. A delivery drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV’s) have a long rich history of good and bad testimonials, â€Å"the first noted use was in 1849 by the Australians when they launched two hundred pilotless balloons mounted with bombs against the city of Venice†11. An other milestone took shape during World War II when countries employed the use of radio controlled unmanned bombers. The last sixtyRead MoreU nmanned Aerial Vehicles780 Words   |  3 PagesDrones or UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), have been around for a number of years. The concept of drones started as an aerial target practice to train military personnel during World War 1. Innovation for drones quickly grew from an aerial target to an aerial torpedo that would explode at a specific time. Today drones are directed by self-guiding computers or a manually operated by a particular remote control. They are now more commonly known for their military use, not for their versatility usage

Monday, December 23, 2019

Post Partum Depression A Depression That Occurs After...

Simply defined Post partum depression is a depression that occurs after childbirth. Post-partum depression or PPD can be experienced by not only the new mother but the partner and new born as well. However given the high rate in which it affects the partner, the availability of resources that can be used to resolve PPD is very low. There is also a substantial lack of knowledge about PPD and its effects of the new father; this lack of information often leads to negative stigmas and judgment. Although the notion that Fathers can experience PPD is new and often accepted by medical professionals, the complexities of PPD that are presented in our society are the lack of information and resources given to the new fathers who suffer from PPD. The definition of PPD as stated by the A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia of America is â€Å"depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.†(A.D.A.M, 2015) This definition cannot be used to accurately describe the cause and effect of PPD in males; in fact the definition completely neglects to consider that males are affected by PPD at all. This quote was taken from the most current 2015 edition and even though there have been a few studies that have proved PPD effects the male partners of a new mother it would seem that they have not yet been accounted for within the Medical Encyclopedia of America. This proposed notion was alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Hypnobirthing On Women During Labor1638 Words   |  7 Pagesto other studies of hypnosis and childbirth. After program and childbirth completion, 90 program participants from Australia, women ranging in age from 24 to 42, who had had complication-free vaginal births, were sent a questionnaire asking for specific information on their birth experiences to be considered for the study. The survey results find that although HypnoBirthing participants have similar labor experiences to other women who use hypnosis for childbirth, the majority of HypnoBirthing participantsRead MoreEssay on The Causes of Depression1545 Words   |  7 PagesDepression I am choosing to write my paper on depression for a couple different reasons. The first of these is that I have suffered from it for the last little bit of my adult life. Depression has not been an easy thing for me, or my family. There are many different symptoms of depression, and I have suffered a lot of these personally. The second reason I chose depression is that I wanted to gain a greater knowledge on the matter, and know how to better handle problems I am faced with. DepressionRead MoreOaea Case Study779 Words   |  4 PagesOmegas have been thought to play a role in perinatal depression by affecting depression neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain. Furthermore, analysis has shown that n-3 PUFA levels are decreased in depressed individuals in contrast to individuals not depressed. A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study was conducted for 6 weeks. The participants had to meet the DSM-IV criteria for major depression and be within the timeline of third tri mester to six months postnatal. The participantsRead MorePostpartum Depression : Post Partum Depression1599 Words   |  7 Pageswhat could cause a mother to murder her own children. Two words became a significant part of her legal team’s defense: â€Å"postpartum depression† (Cohen). A public dialogue was opened and the issue of postpartum depression saw a significant shift in awareness. This new era of enlightenment would be considerably different from the earlier history of post-partum depression and some of the shame that surrounded it. Beyond Andrea Yates, other women have increased the prominence of the mental disorder inRead MorePostpartum Depression Essay2237 Words   |  9 Pagespregnancy, a major concern that requires attention is a period of expected feelings of depression that a woman may encounter known as baby blues. Although normal, and expected baby blues can lead into post partum depression that involves a myriad of emotions and mood swings. If not addressed postpartum depression can lead to a more severe form of baby blues known in the clinical world as postpartum non-psychotic depression that requires professional intervention. The therapeutic goal during this time isRead MoreThe Predictors Of Postpartum Depression1227 Words   |  5 PagesPREDICTORS OF POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Predictors of Postpartum Depression Angela Woods NR439 Evidence Based Practice Professor Jeanie Bachand Chamberlain College of Nursing October, 08,2017 Introduction In today’s society some women are reluctant about starting a family. These women aren’t just looking at the financial obligations that accompany parenting but many are looking at the physical and emotional changes that some women endure during the postpartum period. There is reluctanceRead Moreâ€Å"Postpartum Depression Affects 10% To 20% Of Women After1612 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Postpartum depression affects 10% to 20% of women after delivery, regardless of maternal age, race, parity, socioeconomic status, or level of education†.( Consise) Postpartum depression is a major depression episode that occurs after childbirth affecting not only the mother but also the child and family members. After the delivery of the placenta extending for about six weeks this is considered as as the postpartum period. This a critical period for the mother and new born physiological andRead MorePostpartum Depression During The Postpartum Period1500 Words   |  6 PagesThis is a time where mothers restore muscle tone and connective tissue in the body after the birth of the baby. Although there is a dramatic change during the postpartum period, women’s body is nonetheless not fully stored to pre-pregnant physiology until about 6 months post-delivery (Osailan, 6). At this time, women need to receive special health and social support to prevent problems such a s postpartum depression. During this period, culture plays a major role in the way a woman perceives and preparesRead MoreThe Anatomy And Physiology Of The Uterus1836 Words   |  8 Pagesbody, requiring assistance from the fallopian tubes. These tubes propel the ovum from the ovary to the uterus and fertilization takes place within the fallopian tubes, allowing the zygote to be propelled into the uterus for implantation. Menstruation occurs due to the endometrial layers shedding through the vagina, when implantation does not take place. The vagina is a muscular, tubular canal that is connected to the uterus; it provides a passage for the penis during sexual intercourse and serves a purposeRead MoreThe Birth Of The Pregnancy1524 Words   |  7 Pageswoman s uterus. A normal childbirth can be categorized into three levels of labor they are: the dilation of the cervix, birth of the infant, and the delivery of the placenta or afterbirth. There is a trend that has been rising where th e mother consumes the placenta after the birth. This is supposed to retain the vitamins and minerals that were present while the woman was pregnant and is a way to continue to give the same vitamins and minerals to the infant for a time after the birth. Standards of

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Salvia Divinorum Free Essays

Salvia Divinorum is a hallucinogenic Mexican herb known as â€Å"diviner’s mint† in the US and is typically a natural substance that has the ability to cause intense hallucinations â€Å"out of body† experiences, and a short-term memory loss. Although this substance is legal in the United States despite of the herb’s hallucinogenic properties, this stuff is generally not considered as therapeutic despite of the notion that it was also used for curing by the Mazatic, and is more likely to be use as recreational drugs by adolescents because of mind altering properties of this substance. Because of these properties, Salvia Divinorum should be classified as a potential source of restricted drugs along with Marijuana or the Cannabis sativa and products derived from this herb should be considered as restricted drugs. We will write a custom essay sample on Salvia Divinorum or any similar topic only for you Order Now A mysterious plant that is both puzzling and perplexing, this herb was described botanically by Carl Epling and Carlos D. Jativa in 1962 through the help of two Americans, Albert Hofman a chemist, and Gordon Wasson, an ethno mycologist investigating Mazatic rituals (Clebsh Barner p. 06). Growing only in the territory lived in by the Mazatic Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico; the Maztic Indians use this plant along with other ingredients for their hallucinogenic properties â€Å"in divinatory rituals† (p. 106). According to Clebsch and Barner, It was reported that if this salvia was ingested â€Å"it would produce an illusory experience† (p. 106). Apparently, this stuff when ingested produces strange feelings that could be similar to the effects of particular drugs such as Marijuana and other prohibited drugs. Daniel J. Siebert pointed out that the effect of taking Salvinorin A(an encapsulated product from salvia divinorum), includes seeing visions of people, objects, and places, and with doses above one mg user will experience out body experiences and may get up or move around with no clear awareness of their actions or behavior (p. 55). Furthermore, during the most intense phase of the experience, Siebert noted that user of this substance speak nonsense and even laugh hysterically. Siebert summarized the feelings experiences that could be had by any taking substance derived from salvia divinorum as follows: User sees objects such as yellow plaid French fries, a drawer and even ferries wheel; a visions of various dimensional objects; body loss and even identity; uncontrollable hysterical laughter; and different feelings of motion, or being twisted or pulled by forces of some kind (p. 55). From this feelings and experiences resulting from the use of salvia divinorum there is a considerable evidence that this substance could produce drugs that with effect similar or might even harmful than the effect of marijuana. The irony is that this drug is not restricted in the United States thus companies promoting drugs derived from this herb are free to promote these types of substances on the internet sites targeting younger adults and adolescents. According to information released by DEA, Drug Diversion Program entitled â€Å"Drugs of Chemical Concern: Salvia Divinorum† this substance is being smoked and its effect are described by users similar to other restricted drugs (WWW. Streetdrugs. org). Based on new pharmacological findings and the description of users of this substance, salvia divinorum should be classified as potential source of restricted drugs and that government authorities should closely monitor and act decisively against the liberal use of this substance. Just like other restricted substance that causes potential harm to the user when taken liberally, this substance are prone to abuse and may also cause potential harm to the users. While, there seems to be no clear physical benefit on the use of this stuff aside from the notion of relaxation, the abnormal behavior of the person when at the peak of experience of this drugs, is a clear indication of the potential harm this substance may cause on the users. Work Cited Clebsch, Betsy Barner, Carol D. The New Books of Salvias USA: Timber Press, 2003 â€Å"Salvia Divinorum† WWW. Streetdrugs.org http://www.streetdrugs.org/salvia2.htm Siebert, Daniel Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A: new pharmacological findings Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 1994 http://www.sagewisdom.org/siebertjep94.pdf How to cite Salvia Divinorum, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Atomic Bomb Necessary Essay Example For Students

Atomic Bomb Necessary Essay annon August 6th, 1945, 70,000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Today many argue over whether or not the US should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? Yes, it was. First, we must look at what was going on at the time the decision was made. The US had been fighting a massive war since 1941. Morale was most likely low, and resources were probably at the same level as morale. However, each side continued to fight, and both were determined to win. Obviously, the best thing that could have possibly have happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end, with a minimum of casualties. What would have happened had the A-bomb not been used? The most obvious thing is that the war would have continued. US forces; therefore, would have had to invade the home island of Japan. Imagine the number of casualties that could have occurred if this would have happened! Also, our forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their hands on. It is true that this could mean a Japanese citizen could have anything from a gun to a spear, but many unsuspecting soldiers might have fallen victim to a surprise spear attack! The number of deaths that would have occurred would have been much greater, and an invasion would have taken a much longer period of time. The Japanese would have continued to fight the US with all of what they had; spears, guns, knives, whatever they could get their hands on, just as long as they continued to fight the enemy. As mentioned before, it is a fact that some civilians had been ready to fight our military with spears! What made it possible that the Japanese would resort to using spears? Why wouldnt they use guns or other weapons? Well, the truth was, the government just didnt have the resources to give out a gun to just any citizen. US naval blockades are one of the major reasons that Japan was so low on resources, and a main point opponents of the decision to drop the bomb constantly bring up. Japan obviously was very low on resources. Japanese civilians were ready to die with spears in their hands, surely the military would do the same. Besides, the Japanese military did still have some resources to go on. So again I must bring out the fact that Japan could have continued to fight, and they would have. And Im sure anyone can realize what would happen if the war continued; more deaths. Admiral William Leahy, Chief of Staff to President Roosevelt and President Truman, wrote, By the beginning of September 1944, Japan was almost completely defeated through a practically complete sea and air blockade. If that was true, how could they have continued to fight and rack up enemy kills? If the Chief of Staff to the President figured they would soon surrender around September 1944; why were they still fighting almost a year later? And how can we be so sure that any other estimates on when the war would end would be correct? Basically, we cant. For all anyone knows, Japan would have kept fighting. It was the atomic bomb that forced Japan to surrender and in turn saved thousands if not millions of lives. .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .postImageUrl , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:hover , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:visited , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:active { border:0!important; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:active , .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057 .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub63052c86bd28e4a5677a88779426057:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Albert Einstein Biography EssayHow can anyone be so sure that Japan would continue to fight? No one can say exactly what would have happened, because lets face it, no one really knows. Its possible Japan was just about to surrender, but most evidence would not agree with that statement. Im sure most have heard of a group of men called the Kamikaze. Kamikaze were suicide pilots. They would load an airplane up with explosives and try to nose-dive it into an enemy target. Think about what must be on this pilots mind. Imagine the undying love he must have for his country. He would fight until the end, for his emperor and his country. The scary thing about this is the majority of the Japanese military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is ready to die so long as you die with him is not something a soldier wants to think about before going into battle. .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication Is Everywhere Essay Example For Students

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication Is Everywhere Essay Verbal and nonverbal communication is everywhere. Wilmot (DeVito, 2003) defines nonverbal communication as, â€Å"communication without words† (p.126). Nonverbal communication may, or may not be easy to pickup on, depending on who your are communicating with. For this paper, I decided to go out to the mall, and observe the people there. I would go in stores I like, look around, and closely observe people and their actions. The first situation I observed, was a mother and daughter shopping in a department store. The daughter wanted as expensive pair of shoes, but he mother told he they could not afford them. The daughter then began to argue with her mother, accenting her verbal messages by crossing he arms angrily, rolling her eyes, while stopping off. Their action showed me, they would be considered a consensual type of family, because they were very open to communication. The daughter used a combination of verbal and nonverbal messages. We will write a custom essay on Verbal And Nonverbal Communication Is Everywhere specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now She was verbal and let her mother know that she wanted those shoes, and she made sure to express her opinion through her dramatic body language as well. There were a lot of teenagers out at the mall, and it is very interesting to see how they interact with each other. There were a group of boys, group of girls, the couples, and the group of couples. I observed the single boys checking out the single girls, and vise versa. I use the term â€Å"check out† to describe how people access other peoples appearance, in order determine if they find them sexually attractive. If the boys thought any of the girls were attractive, they would turn and look at them after the girls would pass. The girls always caught them looking, when they did, the girls would smile and giggle. The boys would them give them the two . .er the chance to speak. The cashier changed the price to what she said it was, he finished ringing her up, and she left the store. This exercise was actually pretty interesting. I was able to visually see the things people were trying to say without them using their words. I also had the unpleasant privilege of learning how some people are able to use their words in an aggressive manner, while adding superfluous nonverbal messages. Most importantly this exercise made me question the way I use verbal and nonverbal messages in my everyday life. I found myself asking â€Å"do I sometimes act like the elderly woman in the store†? I also noticed that I share some similarities with teenage girls, when it comes to other girls looking at my boyfriend. Communication plays a major role in my everyday life, by realizing this, I choose to learn how to communicate more effectively.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Internet Censorship Essays - Internet Memes, Free Essays

Internet Censorship Essays - Internet Memes, Free Essays Internet Censorship Mr. Speaker, distinguished members of the house, The opposition concedes that proctecting children and to enable adults to avoid material which offends their personal & community standards should be one of the goals of the government. Having said that, we must find realistic and practical solutions in order to address this issue. Is regulating the internet the answer? Before answering this question, there are many factors to be considered. As the member of the opposition has stated, no single set of standards is appropriate to all users, how can we regulate and deem whats appropriate for one, everyone is different. What one may find offensive on the net, others may not. By restricting the flow of information on the internet, the public will not be able to obtain every possible information which is available to them. Although there will always be certain sites which emits offensive material, it gives us a true balance of our society. By making the internet a perfect world will mislead the publics perception of our true society. Mr. Speaker, the public should have the right to choose which kind of information he or she would like to view. The users should be given the responsibility of private censorship. Like in other cases, adults must provide children with a safe and supportive environment in which to play and learn in. This can be done by subscribing to a filtered Internet Service Provider or by installing a filtering software, it should not be required as the Honorable Prime Minister is proposing. Self-censorship should be decided by the users themselves and not regulated by the government. The Prime Minister has also maintained that there needs to be a rating authority for websites on the internet. Mr. Speaker, although this may seem appropriate, it would be almost impossible to implement. We must remember that unlike print media, one of the advantages of having the internet is to let individuals who have no access or who cannot afford a publisher, the opportunity to be heard. With the amount of information uploaded every second onto the internet, it would be very hard for a rating authority to anaylize these uploads. If a suitable rating must be given before any information is to be displayed on the internet, webmasters would have to wait a considerable amount of time before their work can be viewed over the internet. Mr. Speaker, as my member of opposition as stated, by banning or blocking out certain websites will result in a high social cost, this can be controlled locally, but not on a global scale. The effect would be minimal if not noticeable, and the cost of implementing this would be very high. There are no practical ways of restricting the users, in an era of extreme information fluidity in which every barrier to information can be by passed in several ways will make it very hard for the government to make such a restriction on the internet. Any knowledgeable user can log online and use a different proxy server to by pass these barriers. The Minister of the Crown has expressed there are harmful informations available on the internet which should be regulated. Getting information, such as instructions to build a bomb can certainly cause harm to the public if it is in the wrong hands. However we must realize that by taking such information off the internet will not be the answer. These harmful information can be obtained through many other mediums. Mr. Speaker, information of how to build a bomb can be obtained at your local library, banning certain information on the internet will not be the solution. Stopping and capturing individuals who present harm to the society should be the issue, it would be ignorant to name the Internet as the scapegoat. As for regulating copyright materials on the internet, the government has not proposed any practical and realistic ways to go about this. Problems for the protection of the rights of the different industries, be it music, print and so on, should be addressed. But once again, The Crown presents a false image to the public, regulating the internet to uphold copyright will not solve the problem at hand. Mr. Speaker, the internet presents a minicul porportion of

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Analysis of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich Essay

An Analysis of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich - Essay Example She rapidly discovered that even the lowest professions necessitate very tiring psychological and physical labors. Plus only one profession is not sufficient, one needs as a minimum as two if he or she plan to live in the house. Nickel and Dimed discloses the low salary America in all its obstinacy, unease and astonishing liberality, a territory of fast food and a thousand distressed tactics for continued existence. Instantaneously highly praised for its imminent, absurdity and infatuation, this book is altering the mode America perceives its working deprived. After a large number of economic history has ensued ever since the late 1990's, America went into a downturn in 2001 that characteristics of two to three years of unemployed upturn. The American's went into two conflicts that assisted them to succeed back the enormous budget shortages that they had misplaced in the 1990's, quite a few of the state's immense companies battled for the label of biggest and meanest insolvency in U.S. account and the extreme enthusiasm in the accommodation marketplace fueled by sub prime loans ran out, almost certainly declaring them of an economic slump, if not a depression, in the up-coming year. The story that Ehrenreich enlightens in this book is still a moderating interpret and it has, actually, urbanized implications in the following years that reverberate even more powerfully nowadays. Barbara Ehrenreich, a 21st century American, who still... Barbara Ehrenreich, a 21st century American, who still adheres to the belief of Socialism. At the idea of Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper's, she determined to strive to see how people moving from benefit to work may be charging and if she could endure on the minimal wages offered by a chain of low rank professions. Therefore, for the next two years, she labored as a waitress in Key West, Florida, as a home cleaner in Portland and as a Wal-Mart dealer in Minneapolis, captivating nil with her but only some garments and a laptop on which to document her imitation. In fact, she utilized her personal car throughout the first task but after that she used care on rent. At this height of the economy, Ehrenreich writes down, there are actually two stern tribulations that have to be addressed, firstly, search for a reasonable place to reside and finding services to compensate for it. An Analysis of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich 3 All through her stopover, Ehrenreich discovers that at the pay rates remunerated to waitresses, maids and seller clerks almost all employees have to do together at some end, unless they have partners or spouses who put in considerable wages. Even then, if there are children, the problems can be just as sensitive. For instance, as working at Wal-Mart, she gets familiar with a woman who works six hours per day at Wal-Mart for $7.00 for each hour and then an eight hour swing at a general company for $9.00 per hour. The working underprivileged do not gain from the wide-ranging riches, although, they are influenced by it as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Communication in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Communication in business - Essay Example While on the other end, the ideology that - social aspect of business is indispensable and an inevitable part of corporate management, is stressed. Where one group argues that the sole purpose of a business is to maximize profits and create value for shareholders, the other support Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a part of their corporate agenda. There has been a steady rise in the popularity and significance of CSR and its role in creating an impact on society, and ultimately on the business itself, leading to its adoption and implementation by several corporate giants. Companies across various sectors have taken up social responsibility and their duties towards the society, as a serious and significant part of their corporate agenda (Nelson, 2004). It is evident from the fact that annual report of companies’ now includes sustainability or social reports, where the social activities of a business are proudly displayed alongside the company’s financial reports. Companies today are highly aware of their role in the society and the impact on the everyday lives of its consumers. However, as the role and popularity of CSR continues to rise, an equally significant number of companies, across Europe are steadily moving towards the adoption of the conventional Anglo-Saxon shareholder value model – with greater emphasis on profits, sidelining social responsibility in the process. It is on account of this very reason, that the debates surrounding the purpose and role of business in society, has assumed global significance (The Economist, 2005). The role of business in society: According to some, the main purpose of business is to create wealth and maximize shareholder value, while others consider benefit to society as a part of business. However, regardless of the conflicting ideologies, the fact that business is arguably, the only human activity, which has a far reaching impact on the society, cannot be denied. It has the ability to assemb le and accumulate human resources, on a large scale, who are engaged in the production of goods and services for public consumption, while generating profits in the process. Business not only generates profits for the stakeholders and owners but also create value to the society in the form of employment and providing a source of livelihood to millions of people. It is on account of this reason, that the role of business in society is far greater than merely generating profits and hence, companies today have readily incorporated the ethical and moral principles as a part of their corporate responsibility. Companies nowadays, strictly adhere to their social responsibility with the same zest and fervor as they comply in case of their legal obligations. The role of business in society, thus has widened in the recent years and has moved beyond the legal, financial and economic obligations to include social and environmental obligations as well (Blowfield, Murray, 2008). Arguments against corporate social responsibility Milton Friedman subscribed to the classical economic school of thought which contend that business has one and only one responsibility – towards the shareholders and owners and that social issues do not and must not figure on the list of corporate objectives. He further stated that social aspects are taken care of -by and in a free market economy, and in case it fails to do so, then it becomes the responsibility of the government, but business

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chapter 10-12 SA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 10-12 SA - Assignment Example I try to maintain these values and improve them when possible. The efforts are adequate to allow me to achieve a level of success I want in these areas. In my opinion, I am required to improve in the community area. I need to contribute more to the society by offering my services to the benefit of the people around me. Personally, I would love to work in an organization with a strong culture. I have a high need for a success as an individual. This enables me to easily adapt to the attitudes and the behavior of the hardworking members of the organization. In addition, I can be comfortable with a strong-cultured organization. The high levels of need for success required me to have affiliations in order to achieve the needed success. Therefore, I have the agreeableness personality that enables me to get along well with people as we labor together to a common objective (Lussier & Achua, 2010). On the other hand, I am well accustomed to diversity at the workplace. My high need for affiliation leads to an open experience with variety of cultures from the people I relate with. As an individual, I enjoy working with a diversity of people because they offer different perspectives of ways through which things are to be done. This helps to broaden my approach with respect to diversity. Furthermore, the same people have different beliefs and customs. Therefore, I easily learn to respect them and work with them towards success of our individual tasks and those of the organization. This self assessment test is meant to test my personality, leadership and change. That is, the ability of employing either the strategic leadership style or the change leadership style. The strategic leadership is normally based on personality of an individual other than charismatic and transformational leadership. As an individual, I am a strategic thinker. With respect to my future business plans for the coming three years, I normally focus on long-term planning where I make choices based on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Learning Organization: Literature Review

Learning Organization: Literature Review Introduction of learning organization A learning organization is an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future. For such an organization, it is not enough to merely survive. Survival learning or what is more often termed adaptive learning is important indeed it is necessary. But for a learning organization adapting learning must be joined by generative learning learning that enhances our capacity to create. Learning organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the result they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free and where people are continually learning to see the whole to gather. Types of learning Level 1:- learning facts, knowledge, processes and know situation procedures apply to know where changes are minor. Level 2:- learning new job skills that are transferable to other situations applies to new situations where existing responses need to be changed bringing in outside expertise is a useful tool here. Leel 3:- learning to adopt-applies to more dynamic situation where the solution need developing experimentation and deriving lessons from success and failure is the mode of learning here. Level 4:- learning to learn-Is about innovation and creativity, designing the future rather than merely adapting to it. This is where assumptions are challenged and knowledge is reframed. Characteristic of a learning organization Learning culture:- An organizational climate that natures learning. There is a strong similarity with those characteristic associated with innovation. Processes:- processes that encourage interaction across boundaries. These are infrastructure, development and management processes, as opposed to business operational processes. Tools and techniques:- method that aid individual and group learning, such as creativity and problem solving techniques. Skills and motivation:- to learn and adapt. The art and practice of the learning organization and the fifth discipline field book: strategies and tools for building ad earning organization explain that there are five disciplines, which must be mustered when introducing such as organization. Systems thinking:- the ability to see the big picture and to distinguish patterns instead of conceptualizing change as isolated event systems thinking needs the other four shift from being unconnected to interconnect to the whole and from blaming our problems on something external to a realization that how we operate our actions can create problems. Personal mastery:- begins by becoming committed to lifelong learning and is the spiritual cornerstone of a learning organization. Personal mastery involves being more realistic, focusing on becoming the personal possible and to strive for a sense of commitment and excitement in our careers to facilitate realization of potential. Mental models:- they must be managed because they do prevent new and powerful insights and organizational practices from becoming implemented. The process begins with self reflection, unearthing deeply held belief structure and generalizations and understand how they dramatically influence the way we operate in our own lives. Until there is realization and focus on openness, real change can never be implementation. Building shared vision:- visions cannot be dictated because it begins with the personal visions of individual employees, who may not agree with the leaders visions what is needed is a genuine visions that elicits commitment in good times and bad and has the power to bind an organization together. Team learning:- is important because currently, modern organization operate on the basis of teamwork, which means that organization cannot learn if team members do not come together and learn. It is a process of developing the ability to create desired results, to have a goal in mind and work together to attain it. Review of literature The literature  I reviewed about learning organization fell in to these categories: The founders Real world definitions and critiques Promoting continuous improvement, innovation, stakeholder collaboration Organization learning and organizational outcomes Todays approaches for building organization learning The founders Where did the concept of a learning organization that helped create and disseminate this concept. In literature and conversation with practitioners the authors whose names came up again and again as founders of sorts of this approaches are peter senge, chris aggris, Donald schon and marguret wheatly also highlighted in this section is shana ratners description of the fundamental shift in learning approaches in the latter half of the 20th century has given rise to exiting new field like organizational learning. Peter senga: peter senga is considered by most to be the father of organizational learning senga is a director at innovation associates a Cambridge consulting firm and advises government and educational leader in centre of global changes like South Africa. Sengas massage of growth and prosperity holds strong appeal for todays business leaders. This research centre at MIT the centre for organizational learning started in 1990 has 18 corporate sponsors, included AT and T, ford, Motorola and feudal express. Each contributes $80,000 a year to create learning organization pilot programme with the help of senga and his colleagues. Senga created something new and powerful by putting them together. Unfortunately, at first glance these ideas can seem ambiguous. As a result only a small percentage of the huge number of people who bought the book has read it and only a small percentage of those have carried out its ideas. To make the learning more accessible to seasoned managers, senga and several co-consultants published. The fifth discipline field book, hands-on work. The field book explains that anyone who wants to be the part of a learning organization must first go through a personal change, senga kleines etal 1994. This means that if some members of the group like to tell people what to do and are to busy to listen they must be willing to change themselves. Senga and his colleagues consult with organizations, where they elaborate set of personal awareness exercise with names like dialogues, the container and the ladder of influence. Chris argyris:- Chris argyris is also lauded for disseminating pioneering ideas about now learning can improve organizational development success. He is probably known for distinguish between learning that challenges the status quo, called singe loop learning. Double loop learning depends on the internal commitment by employees to seek transparency and personal responsibility in the work place for single loop learning, people are good programmed to believe that transparency and truth are good ideas, but only when they are not threatening, he says in this article good communication that blocks learning argyris says that the new but now familiar techniques of corporate communication like focus groups, surveys, management by walking around, can block organization learning even as they help solve certain kinds of problems. These techniques, he explains, promote defensive behaviour by encouraging employees to believe that their proper role is to criticize management while the proper role of management is to take action and fix whatever is wrong. He recommends that managers challenge employees to think constantly and creatively about the needs of organizational. By applying these ideas to individuals or group performance reviews, managers can cr eate an incentive for employees to increase their commitment to continuous non-routine learning and for implementing strategy. Donald A. Section For about 40 years, don schon wrote about and consulted in the field of organizational learning many of schons many schons insights, though not distinguished in the management literature, continue to have a significant on the conceptualization of organizational learning. Schons work can be organized in the four themes:(a)his concept of inquiry as reflection in action.(b)constructing a learning dialectic in organization (c)the practice of learning how to learn and(d)his commitment a new educational paradigm that teaches practitioner how to reflect in action. When compared to the current literature on organizational learning, schons deep integration of knowing and doing can be seen as pioneering work. Must literature on organizational learning over time. According to schons approach, action and reflection should occur at the same time so that learning is necessarily embodied in concrete situation. Some comment that schon does not emphasize how rare it is for persons to solicit feedback about mismatches between their principles and their actions. the fact that such learning may be extraordinarily useful. Margaret whitely: Margaret Whitleys book leadership and the new science learning about organization from an orderly universe has been recognized as introducing a new paradigm for organizational development that involves reintegration of society. (Dennard 1996), (Brown 1993). Wheatley offers these are ideas:- Everything is a constant process of discovery and creating. Life uses messes to get well ordered solutions. Life is intent on finding what works, not what is right. Life creates more possibilities as it engages with opportunities. Life is attracted to order. Life organizes around identity. Everything participates in the creation and evolution of its neighbours. Reflecting on her Wheatley vividly demonstrates how organization is living entities and that learning and change strengthen their structure and their communities. Shana rather an old and new answer to how we learn:-Shana rashers 1997 emerging issues in learning communities offers an insightful description of the fundamental shift in learning approaches in the latter half on the 20th century that is giving rise to existing new field such as learning, collaborative learning and organizational learning. This shift, from thinking of learning as a transaction to learning as a process. This shift eliminates the separation of teacher from student and replaces it with dialogue between teacher and student to encourage joint responsibility for learning and growth. (burkey 1993). Old and new answers to how we learn (ratner 1997) Old answer New answer Knowledge is thing that is transferred from one person to another. Knowledge is objective and certain. Learners receive knowledge. We all learn in the same way. Knowledge is a relationship between the knower and the known: knowledge is created through this relationship. Knowledge is subjective and provisional. Learners create knowledge. There are many different learning styles. LEARNING ORGANIZATION SOUTH WEST ARLINE GOOGLE 3M SOUTH WEST AIRLINE :- Background Southwest Airlines has built its culture and its reputation inside out. Its value a happy workforce, and believes that its 3200 employees will keep customer come back. Since its beginning as a small, three jet airlines, southwest leadership, including co- founder and current board chairman Herbert D. Kelleher and President colleen Barrett, has relied on company values concern, respect and caring for employees and customer. Company Consider Learning Organisation because of following reason:- Company must provide the level of knowledge and information that allows the employees to act like owners. Southwest Airlines provides daily news updates via internet; the CEO records a weekly telephone message for all the employees and the company communicates detailed financial information called knowing the score on quarterly earnings. More than 14% of outstanding shares of stock are held by southwest employees. Southwest communicates with employees everyday through news on their internet every week through a telephone news line, every month with 32 page magazine, every week quarter through the financial knowing the score message very year through a series of town hall meetings. Communicators must nature their corporate culture so that employees understand how their behaviour contributes how their organisation is judged. In its monthly news letter LUV Lines, southwest features employees who have been nominated by their peers for Wining Spirit recognition. These outstanding employees are modelling the type of behaviour that result in a remarkable vs ordinary experience for a customer or follow employees. Learning excellence: Southwest Airline approach A bias for action Close to customer Autonomy and entrepreneurship Productivity through people. Hands on value driven Stick to the knitting Simple from lean staff Simultaneous loose tight properties Southwest Airlines one of the most successful airlines n the low cost market segment is the role model for many other low cost airlines. Like Ryan air and easy set. Five specific elements of southwest Airline are strategy, structure, processes and reward. Processes: Southwest Airlines has an open door tradition. Herb Kelleher is known to stay in the bar until four in the morning with a mechanic to hear what he is got to say. Employees are stimulated to come up with ideas and there receive all the necessary support from their management to try out different things. The on board safety demonstration, which has been turned into a complete act to attain the attention of passengers. Rewards-besides the usual package of secondary employment benefits, like free airline tickets, profit sharing etc. employees of the month election. South west airline has another usual way to pay attention to their work force .In the lobby of SWA corporate headquarter at Dallas love field airport .there is a big port falling messy The people of SWA are the creator of what we have become and what we will be. Our people transformed an idea into a legend .that legend will continue to grow only so long as it is nourished. People-SWA has its own university for people where 25000 new employees are trained every year .the selection criteria for recruitment are much more based on attitude than on knowledge. As a result SWA is now regarded as friend list airline in us. The three important factors-these are those factor that show how SWA manager to keep the spirit high The relationship between management and workforce. The training at university for people decreases hierarchical thinking. Herb Kelleher, one of the founder of SWA and an important leader for the company. His vision, humour and hand on mentality are very inspiring for the entire employee in SWA. Suggestion to SWA Give reward also in the form of profit sharing, give bonus and package plan etc. .It also motivate the employees After studying the whole organisation I come to know that in motivational problem are there so company should have good leadership After herb SWA has not a leader same like him so company should try to make a leader as him which helps the company a lot. Reason of Google as learning organisation- Google is the most goggled company in business today. Just as IBM coca-cola were the best companies in youth and everyone wants to pattern them after Google now. First, it is clear from our research that Google is relying heavily on innovation to grow. The companies hire the best brightest and have created a work environment which is the envy of any generation X and Y employee. Government cafeterias, flexible working conditions and the 20% policy which enable each and every employee to spend up to one day per week working on a special and innovative project of their own. Few companies today can afford to lavish such luxuries on every employee. Second, the company has also built a culture of product innovation. Dozens of new products services are available from Google today engineers are encouraged to continuously newones.engineers who finds bugs in others engineers products are encouraged to check out the code line and suggest a fix. While most of the new products from Google never became market leader, some do. Google finance, Goggle maps Gmail are all products which entered the market with strong entrenched compitition.through innovation and strong execution each of these products have take on tremendous market share in a short part and when the company sees a tremendous market opportunity to enter through acquision. Google takes the plunge(YouTube blogger) Following are the points that consider Google as learning organisation very truly- Greater Motivation The Workforce Is More Flexible. People Are More Creative. Improved Social Interaction. Knowledge Sharing. Interdependency The Breakdown of Traditional Communication Barriers. Customer Relation. Information Resources Innovation Creativity Suggestions- Google should level out the workload Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves you people processes Make decision slowly by consensus through considering all the option and implementing the decision rapidly. Introduction to 3M- At 3M, we pair imaginative thinking with science-based technology to create globally-renowned products. We lead scores of markets: health care, safety, office products, and transportation to name a few. So whats our secret? Its simple: We approach real-world problems with our array of technologies to satisfy customers. Leading this process are some of the worlds best and brightest employees who share a commitment to innovation and excellence Learning environment of 3M 3M is a learning organisation committed to continuous improvement in both the companys result each individuals performance. A learning environment is more than a comprehensive training program. It is a philosophy that says that learning is a part of every employees job every day. Continuous learning gives all employees greater opportunity to realize their potential .in a learning environment the role of the employee is to be a continuous learner, the role of the manager is to reinforce learning model learning behaviour and the role of the company is to create system that allow cross functional knowledge sharing throughout the organisation. 3M supports learning through on the job training, traditional class room setting, online learning functional communication of practice .each employee is responsible for his or her individual growth plan. The goal of our commitment to learning is engaged employee who understand how their action contribute to 3Ms success make decision as if they owned the business. Findings:- The reward system as a learning frame has high effect on learning environment according to employees. There is an equity/balance between efforts and rewards. In SWA organisation new employees are trained every year. In SWA organisation selection criteria for recruitment are much more based on attitude than on knowledge. In Google organization monetary or other incentives are given to employees in order to increase their motivation level. In 3M organization and the relation between employees and managers is good. Employees feel like they work in safe environment. Conclusion After study the whole concept of organisation we learn many things regarding learning organisation. Learning organisation is very wider concept and learning helps organisation to achieve success and create new things. Learning organisation innovate things to world. In this assignment I also study learning organisation like SWA Google. They are the main example of learning organisation these companies gives ideas products. Because of their learning behaviour these companies get success and the growth rate of learning organisation never down because they change their policies when requires. It is good for companies so according to me every company became learning organisation .it is good for economy as well as companies and we get innovative things.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Comparison of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex Ess

Interpretations of Tragedy in Hamlet, The Book of Job, and Oedipus Rex    For ages, man has pondered upon the roots of destiny. Is the outcome of a man's life determined by human qualities and failings, the meddling of a divine power, or simple fate? Shakespeare's Hamlet made the argument that tragedy is caused by human folly. The idea that divine intervention is at the root of human suffering is put forth in the Book of Job. In Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, fate is given as the root of man's suffering. Three divergent perspectives on the origins of calamity exist within the tragedies Hamlet, Job, and Oedipus Rex. Shakespeare's Hamlet enforced the idea that Human suffering is a result of human faults. Hamlet possesses extreme indecisiveness, but at times exhibits dangerous recklessness. Both contribute to his ultimate destruction. The majority of the play consisted of Hamlet deciding when, where, and how to kill Claudius, the murderer of his father. When Claudius is alone praying, Hamlet had the perfect chance to avenge his murdered father, but he decided to postpone the act. "Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent. / When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage" (Hamlet III.iii.88-89). If Hamlet had simply slew Claudius at that juncture, the situation would have never complicated; the story would have been over. Such innocents as Hamlet's mother, Polonius, Laertes, and Ophelia would have never met tragic ends. Although Hamlet possessed the fault of indecisiveness, at times, he exhibited a recklessness that led to suffering. When Hamlet was in his mother's room he heard a rustling behind a tapestry that he presumed was Claudius. He decided to kill the man behind the curtain without checking to make sure th... ... misfortune is a matter of fate that cannot be changed by any mortal actions. All provide a valuable insight into one of life's greatest quandaries: the root of tragedy.    Works Cited Green, Joel B., & Longman, Tremper (Eds.). Holy Bible -- The Everday Study Edition. Dallas: Word Publishing. 1996. Shakespeare, William. The New Cambridge Shakespeare: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Philip Edwards. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1985. Sophocles.   "Oedipus Rex."   An Introduction to Literature, 11th ed. Eds. Sylvan Barnet, et al.   New York: Longman, 1997.    Works Consulted Fox, Robin Lane. The Unauthorized Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible. New York: Vintage, 1991. G. K. Chesterton, "Introduction to The Book of Job",   The Hebrew Bible In Literary Criticism, Ed. and Comp. Alex Preminger and Edward L. Greenstein, (New York: Ungar)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cadbury conflict Essay

Businesses can come across many conflicts between stakeholders, which are the people that are impacted by the business. Cadbury, the chocolate producer, has started an organization, worth  £9 million pounds, to put sports equipment in school across the UK. Customers would need to save tokens from chocolate bars and give them to the schools. To get the first equipment, 750 tokens are needed. While to allow the school to obtain a variety of different equipment, it needed 2000 tokens. For schools who can’t afford these new equipment, this idea was very appealing. Cadbury’s ‘Get Active Campaign’ was sponsored with deals from Cadbury and the government by top sports stars such as boxer Audley Harrison and runner Paula Radcliffe. However the company and the government were blamed for increasing the rate and the chances of obesity in young people, because they would eat more chocolate through this scheme. Some stakeholders that are affected by this scheme would be the customers, the competition, the workers, the government, and the shareholders. The customers would be affected by this scheme because they increase the problems of obesity in young people, by eating the Cadburys chocolate in order to receive sports equipment. Cadbury would become more popular and common and after people have tried their chocolate through this scheme, it would encourage them to go buy more, which increases the profit for Cadbury. This would also lead to a stiffer competition between other chocolate and food producing companies. This scheme would be known as a fast effective way of advertising Cadburys chocolate. The workers would also be affected because they would be demotivated and therefore are unlikely to produce good quality products or deliver good customers services. Also, through the scheme, Cadbury would spend  £9 million, and therefore, during the process of trying to sell more chocolate and earn more money, their workers would earn a lower salary. The government would be affected because they would be criticized for encouraging children to eat more chocolate. The shareholders are affected because they would receive a lower profit if the profit margin is dropping. The businesses responsibility would be to provide for the population and to fulfil their wants and needs. In this case, Cadbury is providing for both its customers, and the school. It’s responsibility is to also provide jobs for the society. These people make money to support themselves and their families, pay taxes and use their wages to buy goods and services. The businesses responsibility towards competitors would be to be honest in their business practice. The businesses duty towards its workers would be creating a safe work environment, to pay workers of a business a minimum hourly wage, and to pay each worker money owed from working per paid period, including overtime, sick leave, and vacation wages. It is also the responsibility of the business to train workers in safe procedures to minimize the risk of injury. Also it is a business duty to create a working climate that fosters respect and fair treatment of every worker regardless of age, gender, race etc. The businesses responsibility towards the government is to pay taxes, follow environmental regulations (they need to limit the number of pollutants they expel), to maintain law and order etc. Finally, the businesses responsibility towards the shareholders is to build and maintain generosity in the eye of society, to provide goods and services, and to earn a profit and bring money to the company and the investors. Conflicts that might exist between stakeholders would be between society and the company and government. Even though the government supports Cadbury’s ‘’Get Active Campaign†, the general public is speaking that the only candy company is using the concept of being active to lure children to purchase more chocolates. It would also increase the number of calories the children take in (1.2 million) since to receive only one piece of sports equipment (e.g a volleyball set), children must collect $2000. Thus, leading to obesity at a young age. Another conflict that might result is between customers and the company. The customers buying the chocolate might realize that the campaign is just a scheme created to sell more chocolate, yet neglects the importance of healthy exercise. Some solutions to the conflicts that the businesses faces would be that Cadbury should cancel the concept of accumulating chocolate tokens. It is the responsibility of companies to encourage customers to live a fit  lifestyle, not a plan to sell more chocolate. In order to solve the conflict, Cadbury should cancel and donate the sports equipment to financially struggling schools as an act of charity. Public relations firms specialize in dealing with negative publicity. There are many ways to solve problems between different stakeholders. Each business stakeholders have their own business objective. They usually have different opinions and have to disagree about some decisions. Finding a solution can satisfy both the conflicting stakeholders.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Education in Europe

HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Free Education in Europe Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. o. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. European (Scandinavian) countries have a tradition to provide free education. Initially all the education programs were available in local language. Since last few years, when they realized the importance of internationalization, they started offering programs in English also. Now majority of their Master degree programs are available in English as well as a few of their Bachelor programs are also available in English. European (Scandinavian) countries have a tradition to provide free education.Initially all the education programs were available in local language. Since last few years, when they realized the importance of internationalization, they started offering programs in English also. Now majority of their Master degree programs are available in English as well as a few of their Bachelor programs are also available in English. We have several programs like PhD, Masters, Bachelors in various subjects like Arts, BioTech, Sciences, Commerce, Chemistry, Business, Design, IT, Management, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Physics, Earth Agriculture, Health Sciences etc. vailable in countries like Germany / Sweden/ Norway / Belgium / France etc. These programs are available for Free (No Tuition Fee) or at a very subsidized fee structure and the medium of instructions is English. The standard duration for all Master degree programs are 2 years, Bachelors are for 3 years. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization.Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Advantages There are many advantages available in Europe comparing to US/ Canada/ Australia etc. apart from free study programs like: Schengen Visa Liberty to, move around almost entire Europe without Visa constraints. English Advantage All MNC's working there or European MNC's, working in English speaking countries always prefer employees who can speak English. Extended Visa You get a 1 year extension after completion of your studies to find employment.Employment Opportunities All these countries are prime business nations and facing negative population growt h, so chances of getting employment after studies are even higher than US/ India/ Aus / Canada. Work Permit Secure an Employment & immediately get a 3 yrs work permit. Safe & Secure Most of these countries have a crime rate of almost zero. Prosperity These countries have almost 100% literacy as well as per capita income higher than even US. Credentials, ECTS & Education Standards All the qualifications are world-wide recognized and acceptable. All European syllabuses are now based on ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).One can change Universities without losing credits. European standards are very high and their integration of Education with practical application are very advantageous. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Advantages There are many advantages a vailable in Europe comparing to US/ Canada/ Australia etc. apart from free study programs like:Development Most of these countries are technologically very advanced and their infrastructures are better than the best. Living Indian students can find it cheaper than US/ Canada/ UK if they stay in groups & prepare own food. Part time work At most places part time work is allowed up to 20 hrs/ week. Permanent Settlement Settlement options are possible at most European Countries after completion of a certain period on Work Permit. No SAT/ GRE / GMAT SAT / GRE/ GMAT are not required for most of the programs. Although, IELTS or TOEFL is desired for most of the English programs. Language – Drawback or another Advantage?Almost every country in Europe has it’s own language, which takes some time to understand. One can take this as an opportunity to learn a new language. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart Living Expenses An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Indian students who live in groups and prepare their own food can survive in Euro 300 to Euro 500 per month. Students who live independently may have to spend Euro 500 to Euro 750 per month. Why Study in Sweden / Germany?No Tuition Fees for most courses. Now many courses are available in English. Internship opportunities are available in Multi National Companies. All courses are recognized worldwide including India. Flexible approaches to studies. Schenegen visa opens the doors for all European countries. Great opportunity to save money. No Visa Hassles. Visa Conditions are relatively very easy. Very low living expenses (approx. 300 Euro/ month) Part Time Jobs are available. (up to 20 hrs. / week) Good career prospects, ample placement opportunities. Hundreds of course options available. Ph. D. opportunities are availa ble after PG.All Universities in German, Sweden, Finland, France, Belgium, Norway are almost equally ranked & the courses have recognition worldwide. Fields of study †¢Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Aeronautical, Automobile & many more) †¢MBA (Finance, International Business, European Asian Bus. Mgmt, Supply Chain Mgmt. ) †¢Public Health, Medical Engineering, Medicine †¢Environmental Science, Bio Technology †¢Economics, Law †¢Natural Sciences †¢Social & Cultural Studies, Psychology †¢Agricultural & Forestry, Regional Planning Note : MBA & some other programs are normally paid programs or available in German Language.Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart Entry requirements for admission Minimum First Division Marks English Proficiency: TOEFL (213) or IELTS (6. 0) Language Proficiency for Un dergraduate Programs First come first serve basis Documents requirement for application (10 sets) Updated Resume Photographs (10 nos. ) Transcripts (Final year) Mark sheets (10th onwards) An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Letter of recommendations (2/3)Certificates / Diploma / Degree (10th onwards) -Original-sealed & stamped -Notarized Photocopies -Notarized Photocopies -On letterhead (Original-sealed TOEFL / GRE / GMAT Score cards (if available) Other Academic Photocopies (if any) Final year Project summary (for Engineers) Work Experience Certificates (if any) Monthly Living Expenses Food Accommodation Health Insurance Transport etc. Total monthly expenses Earning Potential Work allowed Minimum per hour wages Loans – & stamped by individual faculty/ employer) -Notarized Photocopies -Notarized Photocopies -Computer Printout -Notarized Photocopies 00 Euros / month 150 Euros / month (sharing basis) 50 Euros / mont h 50 Euros / month 400 Euros approx. 20 hrs / week 6 –8 euros Can be availed from nationalized banks @ 10. 75% to 12. 00% p. a. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Highlights Students can travel in and around the European Union on the Schengen Visa. Students can stay for 1 year (or 2 years) after their course of study to find work.European Union’s new policy encourages Indian manpower for Immigration. Education standards are at par with World’s best education standards. European Institutions funds all prospective research scholars. HeadStart – Germany / Sweden / Belgium / Norway – Education Package 1. Counseling for Course Selection 2. Professional Counseling for Future prospects 3. Application to Universities (3 to 10) 4. Docu ment arrangement for Application 5. Guidance for preparing SOP, Resume, LOR 6. Visa File Preparation, Assistance & Guidance 7. Assistance to avail Study Loan, Medical Insurance, International Bank A/c. Air Ticket, Foreign Currency 8. Post Landing Services (Subject to availability) 9. IELTS/ TOEFL Coaching Program* 10. GRE/ GMAT Training Program* 11. German/ Swedish/ Italian/ French Language Training* Under Graduate Programs Under Graduate Programs (English Medium) Under Graduate Programs (Medical) Master’s / Diploma Programs MBA / Masters (English Medium) Programs Ph. D. Programs :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 3000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 3000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) * We charge Euro 1000 as Advance payment for all programs. Training / Coaching Fees not included. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headsta rt. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. FAQ on Education in Germany / Europe – General †¢ What are the different types of Universities in Europe? For studying in Europe can choose between universities and universitystatus institutions, such as the technical universities, or the Fachhochschule institutions, or the colleges of art, music and film.All state-maintained higher education institutions are open to students of all nations. Which European Universities are Reputed? Its a difficult to answer this question, there is no specific ranking system. Some magazines like Spiegel in Germany publish university ratings every year, the other one I know is from HUMBOLDT. †¢ When is the deadline for applying? There are two semesters Winter & Summer. So, depending on the University the session either in winter or summer. Hence plan to apply before one year of your desired starting time. à ¢â‚¬ ¢ How much is the Tuition fee?Until now there was no tuition fee in Germany/ Sweden / Norway/ Belgium/ Finland, now government and universities have decided to collect tuitions fees (some Universities still have no tuition fees at all) varying from 500 Euros till 2500 Euros per semester depending on course, university etc. So please check respective universities for complete information. Normally, Under Graduate English medium programs carry a tuition fee ranging between Euro 2000 to Euro 12000 p. a. †¢ Do I need TOEFL or GRE Score? Usually not, but some universities may ask TOEFL/ IELTS for English competence.However, GMAT / GRE are generally not required. What is the medium of Instruction? It can be in English or in German. Mostly, undergraduate programs are in German Language. But at PG level, most programs are now available in English. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. †¢ Do I need German / Swedish / French language?If not for education (depending on whether medium of instruction is in Regional Language or English) for social life I believe one should definitely learn basic Regional language. †¢ Where do I learn German / French / Swedish language? It is always advisable to study German Language in Germany as it is easier and faster to grasp the language there. HeadStart arranges language training (paid) to all students. †¢ How much is the living expenses? Depending on the city the costs vary though on an average 400-500 Euros per month should be sufficient. 200 – 250 Euros House Rent + 60 Euros Insurance + 100 Euros Food + 50 Misc. ). The figures given are rough estimate it can vary depending on the city / person etc. †¢ Can I work as a Student? Yes, up to 18 /20 hours per week, and up to 2 months full time Including doing 3 months full time job as a student per year. But one needs to get work permit for working as a student. Part time student job fetches about 8 to 10 Euro per hour. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email  protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay Socrates en de misdadiger †Deutsch Essay

Essay Socrates en de misdadiger – Deutsch Essay Free Online Research Papers Essay Socrates en de misdadiger Deutsch Essay In deze korte verhandeling ga ik het hebben over de ethische filosofie van Socrates. Socrates is de filosoof die voor een omslag in het denken zorgde ten tijde van de oude Grieken. Ik ga het hebben over de deugden en over het â€Å"inzicht†. Ik leg het verband uit tussen deze twee begrippen en ik zal uitleggen wat Socrates precies bedoelde met inzicht. Aan het einde zal ik beredeneren of het volgens Socrates al dan niet mogelijk is om een slimme misdadiger te zijn. Laten we nu eerst kijken naar het verband tussen inzicht en deugd. Socrates zegt dat hij niets weet. Hij bedoeld hiermee te zeggen dat wij niets kunnen zeggen over de hoedanigheden van de deugden. Hij maakt daarbij gebruik van de vakanalogie. Het is mogelijk om een beroep tot in de puntjes uit te kunnen oefenen, bijvoorbeeld een bakker. Het is mogelijk om kennis en wijsheid te vergaren van het â€Å"bakker Zijn†. Het is ook mogelijk om te spreken over die kennis. Een filosoof zoekt naar waarheden, bijvoorbeeld over bepaalde stellingen of over de vaardigheden met betrekking tot argumentatie. Socrates stelt dat het mogelijk is om over die dingen kennis te hebben, maar toch onwetend te zijn. Hij stelt dat we inzicht kunnen hebben over bepaalde deugden, maar niet over de essentià «le aard van de deugd. We kunnen niets weten en dus ook niets zeggen over de deugd als iets â€Å"Zijnde†. Over de deugd â€Å"an sich†. Socrates beredeneert tevens dat de mens altijd probeert om datgene te doen, dat het beste is voor diegene. Immers, goed is, wat deugdelijk is. Niemand doet opzettelijk iets verkeerds. De kennis over het goed handelen is niet alleen een voorwaardelijke, maar ook een voldoende of afdoende voorwaarde voor correct handelen. Dit is dus wat Socrates bedoeld met het inzicht hebben en het deugdelijk handelen. Als iemand onjuist handelt, dan komt dat omdat diegene niet genoeg kennis heeft verzameld over het goed handelen. Ook kan het zijn dat bepaalde personen een verkeerde manier van goed handelen hebben aangeleerd of meegekregen en daardoor beweren de wijsheid in pacht te hebben. Ook zulke personen zijn volgens Socrates onwetend. De wil van een mens is altijd positief en handelend naar het goede. Een zwakke wil kan dan ook niet; iedereen handelt uit overtuiging van wat voor die persoon als het Goede wordt gezien. Een misdadiger is iemand die niet de kennis heeft om goed te handelen zoals een â€Å"normaal† mens dat heeft geleerd. De misdadiger handelt in zijn ogen goed, maar kan hierin nooit â€Å"slim† zijn. De ware slimheid of wijsheid ken je pas als je goed handelt, en dit houdt volgens Socrates in dat je een ander niet in diskrediet brengt of benadeelt. De misdadiger handelt uit een gebrek aan kennis of slimheid, terwijl hijzelf denkt het goed te doen. De onrechtvaardigheid komt dus voort uit onwetendheid over het Goede en het â€Å"Slimme†. De misdadiger kan dus niet slim zijn. Een laatste noot is echter wel dat als we â€Å"misdadiger† zien als een vak, dat de misdager wel goed kan zijn in het uitoefenen van zijn vak. Bijvoorbeeld door te ontkomen aan de politie, zijn criminele vaardigheden op een goede en efficià «nte manier kan uitoefenen en deze kennis kan overbrengen. Maar het is dus niet mogelijk om slim te zijn, want hij is immoreel volgens Socrates. Research Papers on Essay Socrates en de misdadiger - Deutsch EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseCapital PunishmentResearch Process Part One

Monday, November 4, 2019

Delivering Customer Value Through Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Delivering Customer Value Through - Essay Example Talking on this note, it can be said that the entire process of globalization has played a major role in the process of opening of markets around the world and making information from various corners available to the masses, irrespective of their geographical locations. As a matter of fact, it can be said that the entire process of globalization has played a major role in the process of influencing the consumer behavior, needs and demands of the masses all over the world. The high level of influence that are being implemented on the masses by the process of globalization has led to the evolution of needs and demands for various kinds of new products and service in various markets around the world. ... rnments around the world concentrate on attracting foreign investments of diverse nature like the Foreign Institutional Investments (FIIs) and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). The factors of favorable government frameworks, economic policies as well as tremendous demand from various markets for various new products and services are encouraging the companies around the world to focus on the process of catering to the growing demands of the global masses. As a result, the companies around the world are designing strategies like product development, market development and even diversification strategies for the purpose of entering new markets. This has automatically resulted in the increase of the level of competition in various markets around the world and is also providing the customers in various markets around the world with a significant number of alternative products. This is resulting in the increase in competition for products and services and is promoting inter firms rivalry a mong various companies in multiple markets around the world. With the rise of similar types of products and services in any particular market, the consumers are left with a wide array of choices. Acting on the basis of normal and rational consumer behavior, it is quite natural for the consumers to select the products and services, which provides the best fit to their consumption trends as well as lifestyle patterns. Hence, with regards to standards economics philosophy of marginal and total utility, it can be clearly said that the consumers will show ample signs of choosing products and services which provides a lot of values to them as compared to other alternatives that are available in the market. Literature Review Overview From the view point of micro economics, it has always been

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Corporate Strategy Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporate Strategy Case Study - Essay Example Macpac became a leading manufacturing unit of outdoor equipments as there were no other manufacturing industries in New Zealand. The sound internal resources like technology, manpower, innovative ideas and machinery equipments paved the way for the impending success in the this period. Product innovation was another stimulus responsible for the growth. The enormous entrepreneurial energy displayed by the founder also made the success achievable and it was a strong impetus for the rapid growth in the initial stage. In the startup stage, the entrepreneur focused mainly in his vision and available resources. Bruce McIntyre did not make much of an effort on market expansion, market penetration or product development. He efficiently used his internal resources like people, expertise, technology and funding. The growth depended on the company’s ‘international strategy of exporting’. By using acquired skills, knowledge and experience Macpac grew internationally out of challenging conditions of New Zealand. The entrepreneur prioritized customer service which raised a huge demand among the buyers. In 1978, this led to 100% growth in sales figure. In 1987, the export market of Macpac took a new shape. Export in the countries like Holland and Switzerland followed and soon after Germany and United Kingdom markets also were developed. The key factors behind the international success were: Macpac not only pursued a strategy to grow internationally but also concentrated on being a leading name domestically. Honesty and transparency was factor for Macpac’s success. Customers nowadays are very much cautious about what they buy. Many companies fail to prove their transparency and honesty in providing support and facts to the customers. But it was not the case with Macpac. Working as a powerful brand from the initial stage of starting up, Macpac never considered itself less than any strong brands. The attitude of being powerful was a significant